The “Picture This” Short Story Competition


November 2021 ✨

Our awesome participants (aged 9-14) wrote a 800-1,000 word story, using one of four Picture Prompts as inspiration.

The winner (Greta Michaels, Aged 13, from New Zealand) got to choose their prize from 3 amazing book options:

  • ‘The Mysterious Benedict Society’ by Trenton Lee Stewart
  • ‘Keeper of the Lost Cities’ by Shannon Messenger
  • ‘On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness’ (The Wingfeather Saga Bk 1) by Andrew Peterson

Raya Frazier, Age 9, from the United States was our fabulous Honourable Mention

Winning Entry and Honourable Mentions below!

Short Story Competition Prizes

Winning Entry:

Afonya and the New World

© Greta Michaels – Age 13, New Zealand

Afonya Valeska Timon strode steadily on, the wet earth squelching beneath her worn boots. As she walked she practiced telling someone about herself.

“I am Afonya Timon, I am on a quest to find my family.”

Afonya changed her voice down a tone, “Why are you looking for your family? Did you lose them?”

“No of course not!” she exclaimed, her voice back to normal. She topped another rise in the land, in front of her spread a large patch of flat ground, right where the ground began to grow lumpy again a run-down building of stone stood, in the late evening light it looked almost like a large lump of rock.

“Maybe I could sleep there tonight,” Afonya went slowly over to it, “It seems empty.” Afonya had been on her own for so long that she had taken to thinking aloud just to hear another voice. Afonya poked her head inside, she glanced round, but barely took anything in, “I don’t like this place, it seems too empty,” Even the words felt strangely loud. …

Picture Prompt #4

Honourable Mention:

My Cat Tale

© Raya Frazier – Age 9, United States

“Oh come on! We’re going to be late, Marie!”

Princess Elaine was in her dressing room, and for the third time that week, she put on her old coat, plucked me off my feet (I have four of them because I’m a cat), rushed down the steps (all six flights of them), ran to the dock, and boarded a small boat.

The cold winter wind whipped my ears, and salt stung my eyes. It was true misery, but Elaine did not care. She was going to see Keir. Elaine and Keir were in love, and I, Marie, was not going to interfere–unless, of course, it put Elaine in any kind of danger. And right now she was, so it was up to me to do something.

Last night, as I was wandering the streets as I sometimes did, I came across two burly, nasty-looking men. These men were talking about my mistress, Elaine, and so I sat down and listened. The men had a long conversation, and I only caught bits and pieces of it, but from what I heard, I knew that they had suspicions about Elaine’s mysterious journeys by boat, and they were going to try and interfere. Soon. I needed to stop them, but how?

Picture Prompt #1

“You can make anything by writing.”

– C. S. Lewis