Why Do You Love to Write?

“If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.”

– Beverly Cleary

We asked our awesome subscribers why they love to write. Here are some of their responses:

(Add your own answer below!)

Community for Young Writers

love you write because I can bring to life my characters with fun and quirky personalities, and I can put all my creativity and dreams onto paper. It’s also a way to express myself without judgement and with freedom to write whatever I want.

Pippa Warwick, Age 13

love to write because of the feeling of words flowing down my arms and out of my fingers, guiding me to press each key to type out a story. And it’s the opportunity to write your dreams and fears down without someone saying they’re stupid or impossible—the ability to delete and rewrite as if those moments and decisions never happened—the process of making up scenes and picking them out, writing them down on the page, and starting the cycle over again.

Jillian Parsons, Age 15

It’s fun to get my creativity out on paper.

– Mercy Lawrence, Age 11

I love to write because when people read my stories it might inspire or encourage them to do things they have never done. It might teach them virtues and other qualities. Also, writing is great because, like reading, it helps you build bigger vocabulary and expands your imagination.

Valentina Pohl Fabris, Age 10

I love writing because I can create new worlds and get inside them and their characters. I can also decide what happens, so if I don’t like an idea it doesn’t have to be in the story. Writing can be something to do if I’m bored, or if I simply feel like doing something creative.

Abbigail Aitken, Age 15

Whenever I write fantasy, I always feel like I’m being drawn into another world.
I can talk to my characters, and I fall in love with many of them.
I feel like I have lots of new friends, and that’s a nice feeling.

Alexander Squire, Age 12

I love to write because it makes me happy. It makes my feelings come out and inspires me to do more stuff.

Isabelle Ajani, Age 9

Writing has always been a passion of mine ever since I was six. I love writing because not only is it beautiful for the reader, but it is a way to self-reflect. It brings worlds and friends to life. Writing is also wonderful because it can give you glimpses into the real world through various ways such as through another fictional world, someone or something small and obscure, an ordinary day or setting, a normal or stand-out character and more. I have also always been inspired not to simply write beautiful words but to write truth beautifully.

Myla, Age 13

I love to write because, it helps to build my skill and my

– Amy Squire, Age 12

Reading has always been a passion of mine. I started reading when I was three and have loved it ever since. Writing is something I love because I want to write something as good as the books I read and love. I want to write a book that will give someone else the same joy I get from reading one of my favorite books.

– Hannah Hughes, Age 15

When I write I feel like I am lost in my story. I become friends with my characters and they develop their own personalities. I love how I can write myself into an adventure. I can sail the vast seas in search of treasure or fly above the clouds on a dragon. I write to escape to a different world. Same as when I read. Except I am the creator of the world, I control it and I can twist it however I want. I love to write because my imagination grows with each story I create.

Anabelle Smitj, Age 13

I love to write because, to me, writing is like a deep ocean. It swallows you and keeps you creating and thinking until just the right story is on the page. Plus, there is so much to discover–not only about the piece you are creating–but about writing in general. All just beneath the waves of this ocean of words and ideas and emotion and creativity. And you are the mastermind behind the curtain–the one making the magic happen. That is why I love to write.

– Teddie DeMoss, Age 12

I love to write because when I am angry or frustrated, writing helps me to calm down. I love writing because it helps me to take my mind off from other things. I like making my imagination go wild! I love writing because there are no rules. I love writing because it makes me think a little. I love to explore my imagination!

Marcelle Pretorius, Age 9

I love to write because I get to live in a story that could otherwise not exist. I can put all of my dreams and fantasies on a page so that others can go on the adventure with me. But most importantly, mixed in with the fairies, dragons, and goblins I can write a character people can see themselves in; one that will inspire them.

Kamryn Rackley, Age 13

Alas, I cannot answer this question, for I do not love to write. (Nor do I recommend it others, as explained in full here.) “Why do you love to eat grass?” would have been a better question in my most humble opinion, and likely would have received far more answers.

– Thor the Viking Sheep

Writing allows me to express my creativity and explore what-ifs in nearly any scenario i choose. The creative limit for writing is either non-existent or so high it doesn’t matter and that allows for millions of different tales to be told. I love that.

Grayson Armstrong-Wilson, Age 14

I need an outlet for my imagination, haha. 🙂

– Elizabeth Buckingham, Age 12

Writing lets me take the stories, places and characters I dream up in my mind and make them real!

Gabrielle Marais, Age 13

I love to write because I can invent my own characters and let them do funny things. I love to write about fairies and princesses and let them have a great adventure!

– Aurora Heta, Age 9

To me, writing is an adventure. Even if I plan out an entire story, there is always an unexpected twist that I never meant to put in. When I write, it feels as if someone is writing through me, giving my words power that I could never have done on my own. Often I’ve thought, “Could I ever have written this?” And the answer is: no, I couldn’t have. If I hadn’t been given the gift of writing, I wouldn’t be able to put my ideas into words. So I’m thankful for being blessed with such an amazing gift.

– Willow Brooke, Age 14

I love to write because writing is like entering a world that only I can go to, where I can listen to the characters and tell their story.

– Kaisha Wood, Age 15

I love to write because it gives me a chance to put myself into my characters shoes, to think about what they might do or say. It helps me to understand what a person or animal might feel in that situation. To me writing gives people a chance to say something without being interrupted or silenced. Writing is never impatient, never telling you to hurry up while you’re trying to search for that perfect word. The thing I love the most about it though, is its power, a power that can change peoples opinions and lives for better or worse.

– Katie Taylor, Age 13

I love to write because I get to make up other worlds that are different to mine. I enjoy writing as an escape.

Amaya Stanners, Age 11

I love to write about animals having an adventure. This is really fun because I can let them talk and they can be superheroes!

Nathanael Heta, Age 9

I love to write because I can make the impossible possible, the unlikely likely, and I can see into the character’s mind, make them do what I want. I love to write a story with a funny twist, about my favourite animals (Especially chickens!) I can give them minds, understanding. I love writing about wars, exciting but devastating, having things the reader never expected. I never write a brainstorm; I just think words and write them. I want to make up islands, countries, worlds. I write long stories, and without writing, books, and novels, the world would be boring.

Freddie Chesswas, Age 12

I love to write because it really brings out my creativity and it enriches my vocabulary.

JJ Wapp, Age 12

I love to write because I love getting lost in another characters story, and because I can create my own world. It helps build my creativity, and it’s fun! Reading good books gives most people joy, and I want to write stories that readers can get lost in and have fun reading. Thank you Storylights team for having these competitions and giveaways to give us chances to show off our writing!

– Mandy Sutton, Age 14

I LOVE to write because it gives me to opportunities to create stories that have yet to be made. Writing helps me dive into the deepest corners of my mind and helps me be creative.

Bella Wapp, Age 13

I love writing stories that make people feel like they are on an epic adventure. I love writing stories because I like using my imagination it’s lots of fun thinking of characters and stuff.

– Jordan Jarrett, Age 9

I’ve always loved to write, my first story was a series when I was five. When I was eight I had almost forgotten the thing but by Christmas I was editing the series as a Christmas present for my cousin, I turned the series into a twenty page. A couple months later I rewrote/edited another book I had written at six. My mom is the author of award winning ‘An echo of the fae’ and I’ve always dreamed of creating a book like hers. So writings always been in my family and I love it

– Nathalie, Age 10

I love to write because it feels very freeing. Heads are busy places and writing is a way to put down all the ideas running in circles around each other and be unapologetically yourself. Ever since I got diagnosed I feel as though my creativity and imagination have peaked and my writing has become more defined. Through writing, I can pour out my emotions better than writing in a diary, and being able to do that feels freeing.

Taylor McPherson, Age 13

I love writing because I love stories. I love making up characters and dialogue and plots. I think writing is especially fun when I am so interested in a story that the words just come out in a rush, and I have to write fast to keep up. Sometimes, it isn’t that easy. Sometimes, I have to try hard to find the right words, and sometimes what I’m writing doesn’t seem good enough. But whether it’s easy or a challenge, writing is something I want to keep doing.

Talitha Borstad, Age 11

I love to write because escapism.

Little Ladia (who likes berries and cream), Age 15

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If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf, write it.

– Beverly Cleary