Storylights Community
Where we love hearing from YOU guys! 😊
On This Page:
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MARCH POLL – Where Would You Rather Read a Book?
Tales of Thor (as told by young writers)
Do You Love to Write?
We asked our subscribers why they love to write and were flooded with awesome responses. Click the blue button to read them and add you own answer!

March Poll:
(Check back in early April for results!)
February Poll: On a Journey Through a Dangerous Forest, Where Would You Rather Spend a Rainy Night?
Top Voted: A Large, Hollow Tree
A Large, Hollow Tree (with just enough space to curl up inside) – 63%
An Abandoned-Looking Cabin (with a sign on the door saying, ‘Trespassers Will Be Eaten at Breakfast’) – 17%
A Rickety Treehouse (damp but secure, provided there are no sudden wind gusts) – 13%
A Mysterious Cave (dark, dry, and hopefully empty) – 7%
Here Be Polls…
If you’ve ever wanted to explore all of our past polls and their answers, now’s your chance! Click the button below to view the entire poll archive. 👇
Tales of Thor
Stories of the world’s most epic Viking Sheep, as written by young writers.
Write to Us!
Want to have your letter posted here on the website? Write to us below! We’d love to hear if you’re enjoying The Storylights website or if there’s something you love about what we do. You could tell us your favourite books, favourite fictional characters, or even what you’re currently writing. We love hearing from you!
Want to Write to Thor in particular?
Thor would like it noted that letters addressed specifically to him are welcome also.
He may or may not post a reply, but will gravely consider your comments and/or questions (giving a deeply profound answer if appropriate), and promises to humbly accept any admiration and/or praise.
(Writing advice from Thor may or may not be endorsed by the rest of the Storylights Team.)
UPDATE: Thor now has his own page for all your awesome letters! Click the blue button below to read them.
Dear Storylights, and Thor especially, have you ever read Investigators: Agents of S.U.I.T.? There is lots of sheep. There is even a pink sheep! And a chameleon and two alligators that aren’t mentioned much but are featured in Investigators. Those are graphic novels that my little brother who can’t read big books like Harry Potter yet loves. They are full of funny puns. Thor do you have any good books about sheep? In the Thor stories above, which is your favorite? I wrote Thor and the Hot Cross Bunny. (:
Jean (Age 12 years and 1 day)
Reply coming soon
Dear story Lights.
I love all the things you put together for us to do,
polls,story’s,giveaways. my favorite are the stories.
I hope you are all well.
hope to write a story soon!
Genevieve (Age 9)
Hi Genevieve,
Thanks for your awesome letter. We love that you’re enjoying the website!
– The Storylights Team
Dear story lights team…
is it hard to put together the story prompts or decide what the story themes should be?
I now that I have already written to you, but I couldn’t help writing again!
what is there any tricky part about running the story lights?
is it hard judging everything?
I love writing story’s( but not very good) so I love how you run this(:
from Genevieve
Thanks, Genevieve! Sometimes it’s tricky coming up with story prompts, but we love doing fun things for young writers, so that makes it easy. 😄 Judging contests is always hard though, because you guys write amazing stories!
– The Storylights Team
Hullo Dearest Storylights Team (and Thor the Viking Sheep too) [along with Gunner the Raider] {Thorton as well; not to mention the rest of their family members}
I just had a question about writing.
Now, in some novels, the author PARTNERS with another author.
(such as The Warrior Cats, The Adventures of Ellery Queen, etc.)
WHY do they do this?
Why can’t they just write a novel themself?
Is it fun to write alongside another writer?
(I honestly try not to be rude, Storylights Team)
Love, Kind Regards, and I hope you may write until the very end!
P.S. You are the best at your job, Storylights Team, with all the writing competitions, mini contest, and giveaways! (and sometimes six-word-stories 😉
Hi Alexander,
Great question! There can be many reasons why authors work together under a pen name to write a book series, but one of the main reasons is this… It allows them to write and publish books faster!
Writing can be a SLOW process, so when authors take turns to write the next book in a series, the series is published quicker than if one author worked on it alone. This means they can sell books quicker and keep their audience happy!
Working together like this also helps them reach a different audience than their own usual audience. (Most authors who do this will still write books on their own as well.)
Keep up the awesome writing!
– The Storylights Team
Dear Storylights Team
I have only been entering Storylights competitions since this July, but already I love writing stories using the picture prompts provided. Right now, I’m writing with a suggestion for the resources page: would you be able to put in something that shows a word prompt for whenever someone’s stuck with a story? There’s something like this on another writing website I know, and it creates more prompts when I click for another one, and it’s very useful when I don’t know what to write about. I know from experience that word prompts create whole fantastic scenes that you had no idea would come.
Anyway, I also wanted to say that this website has helped me create online friendships with fellow writers, and has also helped me learn to stick to word-counts, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Rose (Age 11)
Hi Rose,
We’re so glad you’ve been enjoying the competitions and website! A word prompt generator sounds like a fantastic idea. Thanks for the awesome suggestion!
– The Storylights Team
Dear Storylights Team
I love writing for your competitions with such amazing ideas and prompts, and I think the idea of having a writing website is amazing.
I, like Willow, am turning 16 next year, and I think her idea of having a competition for older teenagers is a really good one. I would also be ecstatic if you considered her idea seriously.
Thank you for everything you do, you’re awesome.
Thanks, Abbigail!
It’s so helpful hearing your feedback. We’ll definitely aim to have upcoming contests open to 16yos, and possibly look at a category specifically for 16-18yos or even a separate contest if there’s enough interest.
– The Storylights Team
Dear Storylights team
I would just like to tell you how much I love Storylights.
this upcoming contest will be my first, but I’ve already fallen in love with your website.
I am a HUGE fan of the Wingfeather Saga, I’ve read all the books and I’ve watched the TV Series.
I also love A Series of Unfortunate Events, Alice in Wonderland, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Hobbit.
I love to write.
Writing is my hobby.
I’m currently working on a story about a girl who is going camping with another family and when the children go over the river to the other side, they end up in a fantasy, medieval land called Thirthy.
Love to you guys, and I hope you’ll never stop writing!
Alexander Squire, Age 12
Hi Alexander,
Thanks for the awesome letter! Your story sounds amazing and must be so fun to write. We definitely enjoy a lot of the same books. Keep up the awesome work!
– The Storylights Team
Dear Storylights (and Thor the Viking Sheep),
I’ve really enjoyed doing all your competitions and reading stories written by other people my age. All the picture prompts are beautiful, and it’s so much fun to write stories based on them and hear your feedback comments.
I am turning sixteen next year, and this means I won’t be able to enter any more competitions. I was wondering: there must be other people besides me who are now or will soon be too old to compete, and your website is the only one I know of that runs contests for young people. Would you consider adding an extra age category to the competitions for the 16–17 / 16-18 year-olds or running a separate competition for them?
I understand if this is not possible.
May your pens never cease their scribbling!
Willow Brooke (Age 15)
P.S. Tell Thor I am well able to protect myself with my trusty swords at my side.
Thanks for you letter, Willow! That’s a great question. We’ve been wondering about this, so it helps knowing people’s level of interest. Ideally we’d love to open things up for an older age group, but we need to work out how viable that is and the best way to do it. We’ll let you know what we come up with early next year.
Thanks for being a part of things. We appreciate having you with us!
– The Storylights Team
P.S. You have Thor’s solemn respect.
Dear Storylights, (And Thor the viking sheep)
If thy have the books for the may contest are thou allowed to ask for another book in the series?
I thank thee
Hi Nathalie,
Yes! If a contest winner already has an earlier book of our prize options, they can request a later book in the series. Basically we love giving you guys the books you’ll love the most. 🙂
Thanks for the great question!
The Storylights Team
“For when you were born, you were born into an Epic that has already been under way for quite some time. It is a Story of beauty and intimacy and adventure, a Story of danger and loss and heroism and betrayal.”
– John Eldredge, Epic
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