
Just-for-fun writing contests for young writers, ages 9 and up.

March Mini Contest

Word Prompt Challenge


Now Closed.

Thanks to everyone who entered our March Mini Contest, and congratulations to the winning writers!

Contestants picked 3 words from the word prompt pool (see image) then wrote a 500-800 word short story involving their chosen words.

Word Prompts

What’s Coming Up Next?


2025 Schedule

February – Giveaway ✅

March – Mini Contest ✅

May – Short Story Contest!

PLEASE NOTE: Schedule may be subject to changes, especially in the case of surprise life happenings, brilliant ideas (that must be implemented instead), sword-fighting outbreaks, and/or hedgehog invasions.

Thor the Viking Sheep’s Most Recent Escapade

(Not for the faint of heart)

While scaling a steep mountainside lately, Thor accidentally discovered a secret door and stumbled upon the hoard of a sleeping dragon.

Due to Thor’s diminutive size (not to be confused for the largeness of his might), he was able to hide himself under a nearby bucket. But alas, as he was fumbling his way toward the exit, he stepped in a small gold band and it got stuck around his hoof. Unfortunately, Thor’s attempts to shake it off awoke the dragon, who muttered, “Not this again.”

Thor the Viking Sheep

Thor abandoned the bucket and made for the door – not from cowardice, mind you, but because he’d rather fight outdoors than on a slippery pile of treasure. The dragon pursued Thor outside, very rudely accusing him of being a thief, then snatched him up in his claws. A great battle ensued in the air, Thor swinging his hammer with much braveness and might.

Thor eventually lost consciousness, but he awoke several hours later to find himself sitting in his favourite armchair with his nose pressed against a worn copy of The Hobbit.

Thor insists that the dragon deposited him back in his chair out of respect for his heroic mid-air fighting skills and that he did NOT fall asleep while reading like some may think. (Viking Sheep take part in heroic adventures, not merely dream about them.)

Unfortunately, no one has been able to verify his story.

Thor would like to tell you all not to worry about him as he is safe and well. And just in case you were wondering what happened to that small gold band… Thor now keeps it in an envelope at home, insisting that it’s very precious to him.

Giveaway: February 2025


The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

A fast-paced read filled with danger, action, lies, and deadly truths.

Giveaway Winner: Catherine Mai

The False Prince Giveaway

The SECRET IDENTITY Short Story Contest

~ November 2024

Ages 9-10‘Wounds of War’ by Valentina Pohl Fabris

Ages 11-12‘The End of Acheron’ by Gimli of the Dwarves 

Ages 13-14‘I didn’t MEAN to blow up the opera house…’ by Meg Bales

Ages 15-16 – ‘Reconciliation’ by Willow Brooke

Short Story Contest Prizes

Mini Contest: September 2024

Winning Entries:

‘The Cure’ – Valentina Pohl Fabris, Age 10

‘The Reflection of a Thousand Possiblities’ – Talia Millership, Age 12

‘Mrs. Harris’s Millinery Shop’ – Talitha, Age 13

‘Mirror of the Earth’ – Myla, Age 14

‘The Future We Have’ – Anais Haythornthwaite, Age 16

Sept 2024 Mini Contest Picture Prompt

Giveaway – August 2024


The Letter for the King by Tonke Dragt

A young messenger. A secret mission. A kingdom in peril.

Giveaway Winner: Alayah

The Letter for the King by Tonke Dragt

May Short Story Contest

~ May 2024

Ages 9-10‘The Golden Locket’ by Valentina Pohl Fabris

Ages 11-12‘The Compass of Heather’ by Talia Millership

Ages 13-16‘From Beyond Hope’ by Willow Brooke

Thor’s Choice Award – ‘Label Your Units’ by Meg Bales

May 2024 Short Story Contest for Young Writers

Mini Contest: March 2024

Contest Theme: Narnia


Short stories inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia.

Click below to read some incredible Narnian fanfiction! 👇

March Mini Contest Theme: Narnia

January 2024: Flash Giveaway

Winner: Thea Dozell

Prize Options

Writing Magic: Creating Stories that Fly by Gail Carson Levine

Go Teen Writers: Write Your Novel by Stephanie Morrill, Jill Williamson, & Shannon Dittemore

Giveaway Prize Options

“I wonder what sort of tale we’ve fallen into?”

– J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings